Welcome to ARSL

We are a remote sensing technology group at the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Yonsei University.

Our research focuses on satellite remote sensing of clouds and precipitation, which are crucial components of the global water and energy cycles. To this end, we aim to understand and simulate the interactions between infrared or microwave satellite observations and precipitation clouds through radiative transfer modeling.

Current research is directed at developing retrieval algorithms of cloud properties and precipitation using infrared and microwave measurements. Our research also involves microwave radiative transfer simulations that adequately represent non-spherical and inhomogeneous hydrometeors in precipitating clouds. This research is fundamental to understanding the radiative and physical characteristics of precipitating clouds and to measuring their microphysical properties of clouds. Another key research area involves applying remotely sensed data to climate studies (see Research).


15-18 Jul. 2024

Our team participated in the IPWG-11 workshop held in Tokyo, Japan. Both Jiseob and Dong-Cheol had the opportunity to present their latest research. Well done to both!

1 Apr. 2024

Congratulations to Dong-Cheol for publishing his new paper in IEEE TGRS! This marks another significant contribution to the field.

3 Jan. 2024

Jiseob's paper is published in IEEE TGRS. Congratulation!

11-15 Dec. 2023

Our team attended the AGU 2023 Annual Meeting in San Francisco. Jiseob and Dong-Cheol presented their research at the conference.

1 Nov. 2023

Congratulations to Jiseob for winning the Best Dissertation Award from the Korean Meteorological Society for his doctoral thesis!

25 Aug. 2023

We're proud to announce that Jiseob has successfully obtained his doctoral degree, Congratulations!

8 Jun. 2023

Congratulations to Jiseob on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis!

24-26 May. 2023

We attended the 2023 KIAPS Workshop, where Prof. Shin presented our latest study.

9 Jan. 2023

Congratulations to Jiseob for receiving the 'Merit Academic Paper Award' from Yonsei Graduate School!

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